I may have been writing (on and off) for a long time but I only made my first submission in February and to my astonishment Leon Literary Review accepted my story Some Girls for publication. It is an old story that I wrote about seven years ago but it was too long and chronologically it needed work. So I dusted off the folder and took another look at it. I’m glad I did.
After a lot of chopping and changing I knew that the story was good and was confident it was good enough for publication. That’s not my ego running wild. I just had a feeling that the story might interest some journals and magazines. Thankfully it did.
At one stage. While I was waiting for Some Girls to be accepted or declined. I worried about who might be the editor. The story itself or rather the main character does not treat women equally and if anything objectifies them. Women for the main character are objects of desire and are to be used. He is not necessarily progressive.
In reality the story is the tale of an unpleasant man who commits an unpleasant act. Thinking only and selfishly of himself. I usually write short stories in whereby the main character may or may not know they face challenges and need to change. The main character in Some Girls doesn’t realize that he needs to change. He does not think he is doing anything wrong. He holds no remorse for his actions and in many ways is paralyzed. He is going nowhere in life.