When I think about what inspires me to write the answers come quickly to me. The first reason I write is that I think it is a great means of escape. You can create worlds in your writing that you might not necessarily have ever lived. Or if you have lived the experience you can use the writing of the story as a cathartic release. You can even create outcomes that are strictly fiction and bear no resemblance to what had actually happened. Sometimes with writing the truth of an event is not always best. Another reason that I like writing is the simple fact that it provides me with a creative outlet. I have a background in clerical work and though it might pay the bills it is not exactly riveting.
When I first started to write I wrote some songs that I could play on my guitar. Nothing more than three chords but my song-writing career crashed very quickly when I found I could not master the guitar. I tried the piano but that too proved too difficult for me. Hence me quickly changing to flash fiction and short stories. Two forms of writing that I really enjoy.
Rejection letters (numerous) also inspire me to keep on writing. When I know that I have submitted a good story and it has been rejected I don’t get disillusioned. I keep on writing and writing, in my opinion, better stories. The good thing about submitting stories to publications is that you are guaranteed at least one reader. Though most editors might only read the first few lines or first paragraph of a story but at least that’s something.
The natural kick I get from writing is important because it is natural. You are not relying on stimulants to get your kicks. All you need to do is write something that is good. Regardless of whether it is rejected or not. Writing really is a great confidence booster.
The final inspiration for me when it comes to writing is the potential of a readership. Once published my stories will reach a wider audience and some people may actually like what I have written. Whether it is based on fact or fiction is irrelevant. It is after all just a story that I hope people will like. For five to ten minutes a person is allowing you their time so you better make sure that you entertain them.